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Psychreative: Playing in the Imaginal Realm

Announcing the forthcoming Psychreative session on Sunday, September 19th, at 6:00 pm (London time). As usual, the session will start with an opening talk, followed by a series of creative presentations by various poets, writers, and artists.
The opening talk, “Playing in the imaginal realm: collaborative imaginative engagement as a Jungian arts-based research method”, will be given by Louise Austin, who will introduce her method of collaborative imaginative engagement as a contribution to the nascent field of Jungian arts-based research.  Louise is a PhD student at the University of Essex and is utilizing this method to investigate the unconscious intersubjective dynamics between educator and learner.  The qualitative method of collaborative imaginative engagement revisions Jung’s active imagination and is set within a collaborative inquiry.  During this talk Louise will invite you to play in the imaginal realm and experience her approach to working with images.
Following Louise’s talk, there will be a series of creative presentations. If you are interested in sharing your art, music, poetry, or any other forms of writing, please let me know as soon as possible so we can secure a 5-10 minute slot for you.