A is for Awkward is a book centered around the importance of gaining healthy self-esteem and helping teens realize that they’re not alone. It’s a book of encouragement and real world advice written in a relatable style that resonates with teens. Every page has a letter of the alphabet paired with a unique work of art and a word that is discussed in a paragraph below.
Topics from the importance of understanding puberty to the power of relationships are just a few examples of the significant subjects discussed in A is for Awkward. At the end of the book there’s a list of resources including helpful phone numbers and websites available for teens. The goal of A is for Awkward is to help middle school students feel comfortable in their own skin, addressing various topics providing advice, encouragement, and resources they can use.
The book was written and illustrated by older teens for younger teens, demonstrating how youth can and will make a difference in society. This book explores those ever so dreaded awkward years and how one can turn their middle school experience into positive stage of gaining self-esteem, developing healthy relationships, and encouraging one another.
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“A is for Awkward. A is also for Awesome. In the vernacular of those caught between childhood and adolescence that is the best way to describe this book: Awesome!” -Olson Huff, MD
“I am so proud of the students of AC Reynolds High School who wrote and illustrated this book designed specifically for middle school students as they live through adolescence. Often, during this age, students experience issues of bullying and social adjustments that they are unsure of how to deal with to have an emotionally healthy teenage life. The message of encouragement is positive, creative, and relevant. It is directed toward being proactive as a young teen to prepare to face the issues before they actually experience some of the more difficult times of these awkward years of transition. My appreciation and thanks to our students for having the compassion and insight to create this wonderful book.”
-Doris Sellers is principal at A.C. Reynolds High School in Asheville, North Carolina, and a 2017 Wells Fargo NC Principal of the Year Finalist for the Western region.
“Aryelle shares her positive outlook on life by sharing some practical advice and blending it with a wonderful collection of original artwork. This is a great resource for preteens, their parents, teachers, and other caregivers.”
-Gerri L. Mattson, MD, MSPH, FAAP, is a Pediatric Medical Consultant with the NC Division of Public Health, Children and Youth Branch, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.