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The Chiron Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology

The Chiron Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology

Only available in paperback

A pocket guide presenting concise information on the mythology of Greek and Roman cultures from Abdera to Zeuxippe, including gods, goddesses, heroes, kings and queens. Over 270 line drawings and charts enliven the margins and provide information on the cultural representations of these mythic figures throughout history.


Full Description

A pocket guide presenting concise information on the mythology of Greek and Roman cultures from Abdera to Zeuxippe, including gods, goddesses, heroes, kings and queens. Significant places, such as Mycenae, Crete, the Augean stables and the Garden of Hesperides are listed separately. Genealogical diagrams are provided to help the intricate web of kinship relationships. Over 270 line drawings and charts enliven the margins and provide information on the cultural representations of these mythic figures throughout history.

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