The essays in the series Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions are geared to the recognition that the posthumous publication of The Red Book: Liber Novus by C. G. Jung in 2009 was a meaningful gift to our contemporary world.
“To give birth to the ancient in a new time is creation,” Jung inscribed in his Red Book. The essays in this volume continue what was begun in Volume 1 of Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions by further contextualizing The Red Book culturally and interpreting it for our time. It is significant that this long sequestered work was published during a period in human history marked by disruption, cultural disintegration, broken boundaries, and acute anxiety. The Red Book offers an antidote for this collective illness and can be seen as a link in the aurea catena, the “golden chain” of spiritual wisdom extending down through the ages from biblical times, ancient Greek philosophy, early Christian and Jewish Gnosis, and alchemy. The Red Book is itself a work of creation that gives birth to the old in a new time.
The recently released Volume 5 joins Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 with the following contributors:
Volume One Contributors:
- Murray Stein: Introduction
- Thomas Arzt: “The Way of What Is to Come”: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions
- Ashok Bedi: Jung’s Red Book: A Compensatory Image for Our Contemporary Culture: A Hindu Perspective
- Paul Bishop: In a World That Has Gone Mad, Is What We Really Need … A Red Book? Plato, Goethe, Schelling, Nietzsche and Jung
- Ann Casement: “O tempora! O mores!”
- Josephine Evetts-Secker: “The Incandescent Matter”: Shudder, Shimmer, Stammer, Solitude
- Nancy Swift Furlotti: Encounters with the Animal Soul: A Voice of Hope for Our Precarious World
- Liz Greene: “The Way of What Is to Come”: Jung’s Vision of the Aquarian Age
- John Hill: Confronting Jung: The Red Book Speaks to Our Time
- Stephan A. Hoeller: Abraxas: Jung’s Gnostic Demiurge in Liber Novus
- Russell A. Lockhart: Appassionato for the Imagination
- Lance S. Owens: C.G. Jung and the Prophet Puzzle
- Dariane Pictet: Movements of Soul in The Red Book
- Susan Rowland: The Red Book for Dionysus: A Literary and Transdisciplinary Interpretation
- Andreas Schweizer: Encountering the Spirit of the Depths and the Divine Child
- Heyong Shen: Why Is The Red Book “Red”? – A Chinese Reader’s Reflections
- Marvin Spiegelman: On the Impact of Jung and his Red Book: A Personal Story
- Liliana Liviano Wahba: Imagination for Evil
- John C. Woodcock: The Red Book and the Posthuman
Volume Two Contributors:
- Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt: Introduction
- John Beebe: The Way Cultural Attitudes are Developed in Jung’s Red Book – An “Interview”
- Kate Burns: Soul’s Desire to become New: Jung’s Journey, Our Initiation
- QiRe Ching: Aging with The Red Book
- Al Collins: Dreaming The Red Book Onward: What Do the Dead Seek Today?
- Lionel Corbett: The Red Book as a Religious Text
- John Dourley: Jung, the Nothing and the All
- Randy Fertel: Trickster, His Apocalyptic Brother, and a World’s Unmaking: An Archetypal Reading of Donald Trump
- Noa Schwartz Feuerstein: India in The Red Book: Overtones and Undertones
- Gražina Gudaitė: Integrating Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions of Experience under Postmodern Conditions
- Lev Khegai: The Red Book of C.G. Jung and Russian Thought
- Günter Langwieler: A Lesson in Peacemaking: The Mystery of Self-Sacrifice in The Red Book
- Keiron Le Grice: The Metamorphosis of the Gods: Archetypal Astrology and the Transformation of the God-Image in The Red Book
- Ann Chia-Yi Li: The Receptive and the Creative: Jung’s Red Book for Our Time in Light of Daoist Alchemy
- Romano Màdera: The Quest for Meaning after God’s Death in an Era of Chaos
- Joerg Rasche: On Salome and the Emancipation of Woman in The Red Book
- J. Gary Sparks: Abraxas: Then and Now
- David Tacey: The Return of the Sacred in an Age of Terror
- Ann Belford Ulanov: Blundering into the Work of Redemption
Volume Three Contributors:
- Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt: Introduction
- Stephen A. Aizenstat: The Quest for One’s Own Red Book in the Digital Age
- Paul Brutsche: The Creative Power of Soul: A Central Testimony of Jung’s Red Book
- Joseph Cambray: The Red Book Today: From Novelty to Innovation – Not Art but Nature
- Linda Carter: Jung as Craftsman
- George B. Hogenson: The Schreber Case and the Origins of the Red Book
- Toshio Kawai: From Internal to Open Psyche: Overcoming Modern Consciousness?
- Samir Mahmoud: Reading and Re-Reading Jung as a Muslim: From Traditionalist Critique to the New Possibilities of The Red Book
- Christine Maillard: C.G. Jung’s Subversive Christology in The Red Book and its Meaning for Our Times
- Mathew Mather: Jung’s Red Book and the Alchemical Coniunctio
- Patricia Michan: The Golden Seed: The Hidden Potentiality within the Vile and the Misshapen
- Gunilla Midbøe: Troll Music in The Red Book
- Anna Milashevich: The Red Book and the Black Swan: The Trickster as a Psychological Factor behind the Boom and Bust Cycle
- Velimir B. Popović: “I am as I am not” – The Role of Imagination in Construing Dialogical Self
- Ingrid Riedel: Transformation of the God-Image in Jung’s Red Book: Foundations for a New Psychology of Religion
- Murray Stein: Jung’s Red Book as a New Link in the Aurea Catena
- Žanet Prinčevac de Villablanca: The Spirit of This Time: “No One’s Child”, a Postmodern Fairy Tale
- Megumi Yama: The Red Book: A Journey from West to East via the Realm of the Dead
- Mari Yoshikawa: A Japanese Perspective on the Meaning of the Serpent in The Red Book
Volume Four Contributors:
- Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt: Introduction
- Robert M. Mercurio: The Red Book and our Contemporary Crises: Active Imagination, Mass Migration and Climate Change
- Heike Weis Hyder: The Burning Urgency of Psychodynamic Discoveries in The Red Book for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy: A Key for Healing-Resonance of Soul, Love and Life
- Maria Helena R. Mandacarú Guerra: Jung’s Red Book as a Healing Symbol for Our Time
- Thomas Moore: A Book of Magic: Jung’s Red Book and the Tradition of Natural Magic
- Bruce MacLennan: Liber Novus sed non Ultimus: Neoplatonic Theurgy for Our Time
- Gary Clark: Integrating the Archaic and the Modern: The Red Book, Visual Cognitive Modalities and the Neuroscience of Altered States of Consciousness
- John Merchant: The Red Book as Jung’s Asclepiadean
- John Ryan Haule: Jung comes back to Himself
- Henning Weyerstrass: C.G. Jung and the Creative Unconscious
- Becca Tarnas: The Participatory Imagination
- Dale Kushner: In Extremis: Jung’s Descent into the Language of the Self
- Karin Jironet: On the Divine and Eternal Solitude of the Star: Jung’s Seven Sermons Mirrored to Sufi Mysticism
- Katie Givens Kime: “So Long As We Are Not Mystics”: What the Personal Art of William James and C.G. Jung Give Us Now
- Christian Gaillard: The Red Book in Venice
- Kiley Q. Laughlin: The Red Book: A Premodern Graphic Novelty
- Mark Winborn: Liber Novus and the Metaphorical Psyche: Revisioning The Red Book
Volume Five Contributors:
- Stephen Aizenstat: The Call to a Collective Red Book of Our Times: Personal Journeys in the Story-Web of Deep Imagination
- Riccardo Bernardini: Rebirth Symbols in the Basilica of San Miniato al Monte in Florence (XI-XIII c.): Millenarian Anguishes and Eschatological Hopes in a Romanesque Architecture – From Joachim of Fiore to Jung’s Liber Novus
- Paul Bishop: The Red Book and Other Searchers for the Soul: The Case of Klages and Jung
- Joseph Cambray: Trailblazing, a Red Book Pathway: From Synchronicity to the Oracular Field
- Linda Carter: Going the Full Circle: Pattern Resonance from Microcosmic Interactions to Macrocosmic Amplifications
- Al Collins: Seeing and Not Seeing the Symbol: Greta Thunberg, the Indian Demon Devotee, and Jung’s Virgin Sophia
- Len Cruz: Ecstasy and Subjection: Re-membering Dionysus and Addiction Treatment
- Nancy Swift Furlotti: Voices of Wisdom in Times of Crisis: Responding to the Cries of Nature
- Toshio Kawai: Jung as Modern and Postmodern in his “Red Book”: Collective and Personal Crisis
- Frank N. McMillan, III: Whom Shall I Send? Postmodern Revelation and the New Reality in Jung’s Red Book
- Romano Màdera: The Future of the Spirit in The Red Book and in Our Time
- Christine Maillard: Death and the Dead: Reflections on a Figure of Thought in Jung’s Red Book
- Robert M. Mercurio: The Red Book and our Contemporary Crises: Further Considerations
- Elaine Molchanov: Seeing and Not Seeing the Symbol: Greta Thunberg, the Indian Demon Devotee, and Jung’s Virgin Sophia
- Lance Owens: C.G. Jung and the Evolution of God: Imagination, Revelation, and Jung’s Answer to Job
- Heyong Shen: C.G. Jung’s Red Book: The Spirit of the Depths and the Knowledge of the Heart
- Murray Stein: Acts of Imagination: The Creation of the (Inner) World
- Leslie Stein: Collective Individuation in The Red Book: The Self in the Troubled World