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Marijuana Debunked

Marijuana Debunked

A handbook for parents, pundits and politicians who want to know the case against legalization.


Full Description

Four million teenagers in Canada and the United States use marijuana, a million of them daily. Yet both countries are moving toward legalization because so many of us have heard only the pro-marijuana side. This book presents the case against marijuana on an equal footing:

  • The scientific research refuting all the pro-marijuana talking points
  • Why marijuana is not safe for adolescents or behind the wheel
  • Why legalization would be an economic burden on society and the promise of tax revenue a mirage
  • How to spot the misleading language used by pro-legalization partisans
  • How the news media helped to create an epidemic of teenage use
  • Why de facto decriminalization is better than legalization
  • Why marijuana laws that prohibit use are good for the public health

“This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about accuracy and fairness in news coverage.”
~Christine Tatum
Former National President, Society of Professional Journalists

Ed Gogek, MD, an addiction psychiatrist for 30 years, has treated over 10,000 addicts and alcoholics in prisons, homeless clinics, mental health centers and substance abuse treatment programs. His op-eds on addiction and mental health have appeared in the New York Times and more than a dozen major U.S. newspapers. He received medical training in Canada and the United States.

“Dr. Gogek has a unique ability to master the complex and hotly contested material to make it understandable. His book has a strong message that our nation, including both Left and Right, needs today when most discussions of drug policy are filled with dangerous misinformation.”
~Robert L. DuPont, MD
First Director of National Institute of Drug Abuse
Second White House Drug Chief

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