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Trolling with the Fisher King: Reimagining the Wound

Trolling with the Fisher King:  Reimagining the Wound

As a fisherman/seaman touched by war zones and wastelands in Viet Nam and the Bowery, a poet/therapist who has worked with his own wounds, and those of others, author Paul Pines believes that the Fisher King’s wounding can be understood as a function that speaks to our post-internet condition on the border of survival and extinction.




Full Description

As a fisherman/seaman touched by war zones and wastelands in Viet Nam and the Bowery, a poet/therapist who has worked with his own wounds, and those of others, author Paul Pines believes that the Fisher King’s wounding can be understood as a function that speaks to our post-internet condition on the border of survival and extinction. His troll tracks changes in the expression of this archetype, and the implications and consequences thereof.

Click Here to View Author Paul Pines at a Trolling with the Fisher King Book Launch


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